Tax-Exempt Customers
If you’re a tax-exempt customer, please call 1-800-880-5448 to set up your approved tax-exempt account.
Please provide a copy of your tax-exemption certificate with your first order.
1. Please fax your certificate to: 1-662-332-5449 and reference your order confirmation number.
Or mail your certificate to: Dawkins Office Supply Attention: Accounts Receivable PO Box 686 Greenville, MS 38702
2. If the order has already been delivered, you may submit your tax-exempt certificate up to 60 days after placing an order. Pending approval, credits will be issued to the credit card provided within 2 weeks.
If you have already submitted your certificate and tax is calculating in your current order, please call 1-800-880-5448.
If you have created a NEW online account, your tax-exemption status will not be calculated. Please log in using your account information that has been approved for tax-exemption. Please call 1-800-880-5448 to set up your tax-exempt account